A gentle, yet effective, program that works naturally to support the body's own internal processes of elimination and detoxification. Includes 3 great formulas: Cleansing Fiber (200 caps), Thistle Cleanse® (60 caps), and Cleansing Laxative (50 tabs). Each kit contains up to 2 one-week cleanses. |
Part Kit Includes: 1) Colon Clear, gently cleanses the colon and promotes peristaltic action. 2) Fiber Fortification, fiber mix promotes healthy elimination. 3) Liver Clear, cleanses and rejuvenates liver. 4) Appetite Control, strengthens willpower by supporting blood-sugar. 5) Super Nutrition, provides six green superfoods that nourish/cleanse the body. |
Retail Price: $26.98
Our Price: $24.98
Retail Price: $54.49
Our Price: $39.99
Acai, a dark purple berry indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, is a nutritious and powerful fruit, valued for its rich nutrients. It's metabolism boosting effect is wonderful for aiding weight loss. |
Candistroyer is designed to help eliminate candida from your system with expertly formulated anti-bacterial and anti-fungal herbs. Probiotic Rebuilder then supports the natural immune system by creating a favorable environment for the body's beneficial bacteria. |
Retail Price: $12.47
Our Price: $9.99
Retail Price: $26.95
Our Price: $21.95
This cleanse is formulated with powerful yet gentle ingredients such as Juniper Berries, Uva Ursi, Cascara Sagrada, and Psyllium, to support the body's ability to: purify itself, excrete wastes, enhance metabolism, maintain a healthy water balance. Chlorella is also added for an extra boost of energy. |
 Parastroy is a two-part product with herbs, enzymes and fibers to help defend against unwanted organisms; Para-Rid which targets foreign organisms and strengthen immune function and Para-Sweep, which cleanses the colon and encourages elimination of wastes.
Retail Price: $12.95
Our Price: $9.95
Retail Price: $21.95
Our Price: $16.95
Our diets are filled with livestock hormones, preservatives, pesticides and even parasites. You carry this toxin laden "gunk" in your digestive system for way too long because our modern low-fiber diet causes impairment of the digestion tract. Super Colon Cleanse gets rid of the clogging, toxic junk in your body so that you feel trim, youthful and vibrant. |
Our diets are filled with livestock hormones, preservatives, pesticides and even parasites. You carry this toxin laden "gunk" in your digestive system for way too long because our modern low-fiber diet causes impairment of the digestion tract. Super Colon Cleanse gets rid of the clogging, toxic junk in your body so that you feel trim, youthful and vibrant. |
Retail Price: $15.95
Our Price: $12.95
Retail Price: $23.95
Our Price: $18.95
The Ultimate Cleanse is a 2 part fomula that features up to 30 natural herbs which help to cleanse and expel toxins from your system. Ultimate Cleanse helps to detoxify all five channels of elimination (bowel, kidney, lungs, skin and lymphatic system) as well as other organs, blood, cells and tissue. |
Ultimate Liver Cleanse contains an herbal formulation to cleanse, protect and rejuvenate the liver by facilitating the purging of toxins, and promoting recovery and regeneration of delicate cells and tissues. Dietary Supplement. Synergistic Formula with Milk Thistle. Cleanse & Strengthen. Nourish & Support. |
Retail Price: $29.95
Our Price: $23.95
Retail Price: $21.95
Our Price: $17.99
Ultimate Respiratory Cleanse is an herbal formulation to support, cleanse, and strengthen the respiratory system including the lungs, throat and trachea, by encouraging the rejuvenation of lung tissue, and purging toxins from smoking, exposure to pollutants and free radicals. |
Ultimate Urinary Cleanse is an herbal formulation to cleanse and tone the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys; promote healthy flora throughout the entire urinary tract; and strengthen immune response. |
Retail Price: $13.95
Our Price: $12.95
Retail Price: $13.95
Our Price: $12.95
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